
Welcome to my website. It's basically a blog, for lack of a better word, in the sense that it's mostly texts and it features (mostly) my own writings. But I also like to think it's a little more than that. I have this idea that a personal website should be a mind map. This is a (partial) map of my mind. And like my own mind, it is often incoherent, incomplete, always changing. There is no single overarching theme, but there are a few recurring topics. Things are being edited often, some thoughts lead to others without a clear, direct link. Some thoughts are sequential, some are not. This site has already changed a few times, maybe this will be the final iteration, who knows. It contains many texts about different topics, some new, some old.
Most of the inspiration for this site came from the Indie Web movement, also known as Web Revival, Small Web, Personal Web and a few other names. If anybody asks my opinion, I like to call it The Free Web, but it doesn't make a great difference, beside some differences in focus, I believe they share the same core idea: retake the Internet from corporate interests and their content algorithmically designed, engineered and curated to be addictive and polarizing and to exploit the "user" for their data by keeping him inside his own little echo chamber within their walled garden; own your content and your platform, explore the open web.
I'm not anti-capitalist, but I do think that not everthing should be owned by corporations. Nor do I think that corporations are bad in and of themselves, my problem with them is when they manipulate their users and even subtly coerce us (more often than not with some help from the State) into using their products, making us think that we are getting a free service because they profit off our attention and our data. Politically, I'm closer to voluntaryism, if you must know; but I try not to make this too pollitical. That said, some pollitical opinions will percolate every now and then, and one could argue this whole thing is, in fact, a pollitical statement.
Finally, one small caveat: I'm (practically) billingual and that's just how my mind works, some things I think better in English, some things in Spanish. Most of the texts here (as of now) are in English, some parts are in Spanish, which is my native language, but English is the lingua franca of the Internet after all.
@EseGrobet on Blue Dwarf.