Overcomplicating things for myself
The other day, after surfing a few hours on the small/old web, I just looked at my own site and couldn't help thinking "man, this looks bloated". I've been updating the site to make it a bit simpler, not quite full minimalist, but more in tune with a "small web" kind of design. So I went ahead and redisigned the whole thing. I wrote a new CSS file from scratch, much simpler than it was before, did away with custom google fonts and a whole bunch of classes, and am now in the middle of the process of updating all the individual html files, also made them a little simpler, deleting a few of the images and generaly giving the whole site a unified look and feel.
This process involves opening each individual file, deleting a couple things, fixing indentations, changing the name or deleting a class atribute here an there, and checking that everything works fine. This is fun for me for the most part, I think it's going to be really nice in the end, but it does get a little repetitive after a while and I was thinking to myself "this whole process could probably be automated, it would be sooo much easier if I knew some Python, or BASH, and then I could do all those changes in a single script or two."
But that's the curse of being a perpetual false beginner at programming, I know enough to know that I could do that, but I have no idea how to actually do it, and at this point I think it's just easier to continue manually than to find out, test, correct, test again, review... This is probably what that whole book was about...
Anyway, just a small update while the big changes are advancing. I don't want to add too much new content to the site because that means more to update to the new design.
Here's a preview of what the new design looks like: