#020 -
Remodeling done!
Finally! That took I little more work than I had anticipated.
So if you have visited this site before, you might have noticed a few differences, if you're new, then welcome! Like I've been hinting since a few posts ago I was starting to get the itch to make the site more minimal and decided to do it.
I made the whole layout simpler, I rewrote all the CSS to make it one single file, much shorter that it was before, did away with the two separate layouts, one for the blog and another for the articles, and eliminated a bunch of custom classes, all the fancy google fonts, also deleted a number of images and deleted the "Hotchpotch" section. I did leave the Web Dev Deepdive with its own layout because that's pretty much an independent site, plus, it has a bunch of somewhat complex code examples and such.

That's what the site used to look like... shit now I'm getting graduation goggles. Anyway...
The home page is now more of a proper index with links to the sections and the independent articles and less introductory text. But I added an about page, be sure to check it out. I also included two independent sites that are hosted in my github repo: one is a space news aggregator that uses Spaceflightnews Api which I did with a lot of help from Claude AI, nothing fancy, it was a learning exercise, but I still like it and thought it was worth sharing. The other one is my old website (in Spanish) about sourdough bread from when I had my tiny home bakery La Mitad del Camino.