Pablo's Rabbit Hole

Stop trying to find ojectivity on the Internet
Embrace subjectivity
Welcome to the Personal Web

These are some of the things that populate my mind:

About What is this site about? Is it about anything in particular? And how to contact me.
Blog/ Mostly short, sequential thoughts about life, the Universe and everything.
Last posted: Espiritualidad (in Spanish)
Stoicism/ Quotes I like from Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.
Links Some of the treasures I've been finding in my exlporations through the deep end of the old/small/indie web
Lingua Franca/Canon/Universal Culture Is there such a thing as a “Universal Culture”? Why read “the classics”? And, why do I write in English? 12/09/2024
Apuntes para la formulación de un currículum inspirado en la educación clásica Ideas generales sobre una educación en casa inspirada en la educación clásica y en menor medida en las ideas de Charlotte Mason, pero moderna y laica. 3/12/2024
Why Homeschool Musings on the reasons, both positive and negative why I'm planning to homeschool my children. 11/29/2024
¿Por qué exploramos? Vamos a terminar poblando las estrellas, es sólo cuestión de tiempo.
The Free Web Small Web, Personal Web, Indie Web... what's it all about?
11 things that suck about the internet today Some good-natured ranting about the state of the interwebs
Educación en casa Algunas ideas (un poco inconexas) sobre la educación en casa
Linux Tinkering A small chronicle about a weekend of tinkering with my computer
Distro hopping Distro hopping adventures in Linux-World!
Indie Web Manifesto (1997) A verbatim reproduction of the Indie Web Manifesto written in 1997 by "le minirézo"
Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace (1996) Also a verbatim reproduction, this one is by John Perry Barlow; fun fact: he used to write songs for The Grateful Dead
Books Book recomendations and tracking of books I'm currently reading. Last updated on 11/25/24
Web Dev Deepdive Work in progress Some notes on a few different topics around CSS and HTML
Space news A space news aggregator site that I made with some help from, hosted on my github page
La Mitad del Camino A somewhat old website I made in 2020 after I closed my home bakery, hosted on github (in Spanish)

© Photo by me.